Hope it helps.
1. copy the Regions.ini file from one folder to another
2. in the new copy open the ini file and change the sim name that is in brackets.
Example: [Sim name here]
3. change the RegionUUID, can get a UUID from https://www.uuidgenerator.net/
4. change the location to where on the map you want the new sim to be at. Remember it can NOT be the same location as another sim.
5. ignore InternalAddress but change InternalPort to any port that is available on that server. I personally like to do 9000 for the first sim then increase the port number by 1 for each sim after so i can just look at the last created sim, get its port and add 1 to it.
[optional for varregions]
ignore 6 and go right to 7 if you are making SL size sims. Default is 256 which is SL like.
6. change SizeX and SizeY to the size desired/requested for var's. Ignore SizeZ since that is useless.7. save the new ini and close it then go to the console.
8. If the console for the sim is already going, go to it and type shutdown then hit enter. Once shut down start it back up.
9. Once back up the console will see the new sim, if this is a new instance for the sim itself then go to 10.
10. if its the first time for this console it usually will create the database tables IF the Opensim.ini in another folder is set correctly. Let the console do its thing.
11. Once the console is done and it sees a new sim it will ask questions like if you want to hook up the sim to a existing estate or to create a new one. This is up to you.
12. The console will then ask for the first name of the avatar who will own this new sim, enter the person's avatar first name, it will then ask for the last name. once done the sim loads up in world and that owner can do whatever he wants and you can go about your day again.
12. The console will then ask for the first name of the avatar who will own this new sim, enter the person's avatar first name, it will then ask for the last name. once done the sim loads up in world and that owner can do whatever he wants and you can go about your day again.