Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Learning java

Ok so today i been teaching myself java so i can make a server simular to craft bukkit and friendly enough to me modded and used for anyone else making a multiplayer game.
So far on my first day i learned how to not only print out info but grabbed info from 1 file and outputted from another file so 3 files or classes total.

Here is what i did. Throwing this out there so others that want to learn java can get a sense of how it works.

Package is named main
package main;

public final class Connect {

public static String serverName = "Test server for Fuck You Inc";
public static String serverIP = "";
public static int serverPort = 6669;
public static String serverVersion = "0.0.1";

public Connect() {
public static String getServerName() {
return serverName;
public static String getServerAddr() {
return serverIP;
public static int getServerPort() {
return serverPort;
public static String getServerVer() {
        return serverVersion;
public static void main(String[] args) {

package main;

public class Outputter {

public Outputter() {


public static void toConsole(String saytoconsole) {

and finally the java that is started by the jar file is...
package main;

import main.Connect;
import main.Outputter;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Outputter.toConsole("Server name: " + Connect.getServerName());
Outputter.toConsole("Server IP: " + Connect.getServerAddr());
Outputter.toConsole("Server Port: " + Connect.getServerPort());
Outputter.toConsole("Server Version: " + Connect.getServerVer());

So as you can see I have Main.java calling info from Connect.java put importing main.Connect then doing Connect.whateverfunctioninconnect() then using Outputter.java to print it in console.
Trust me its so easy once you get the hang of how java works.
Hope this helps anyone trying to learn java.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Vampire City game idea

Here is what i typed on the crydev website when i thought i would be using that engine for this.

The idea for Vampire City is to make a multiplayer multiserver RPG game that lets players be vampires with pve and pvp maps. Currently no plan to have factions, just let vampire players kill each other in fun pvp maps. Other ideas I have is for socialising and roleplaying by letting players craft items, "buy" land with fake in game currency and build a home. No storyline yet but the overall pve idea is the world is based on today times but where vampires do exist and there are some mortals that want them gone, as well as a group of warlocks and witches raised the dead to kill the vampires. Its up to the players to save themselves and the mortals.

Inspirations for game play are from

Aion - Made on CryEngine which is why i picked this engine and also love the housing idea they put into the game.

GTA4 - Let players have a vehicle to move around the city and shoot npc's.

Minecraft - Being able to build your own home the way you want to and also love the ability to pick which server i want to play on.

Second Life / OpenSim - Peaceful exploration and socialising.

Still along ways away from anything solid to test since I am currently doing this by myself as I learn how to make a mmo.
Why I am doing this is because the only games I have seen made are ones where the players go kill zombies as a human. Theres no game where the player is a vampire and i love the whole vampire culture so thats why I want to do this.
However if there is a company that would like to make this idea a reality please feel free to contact me and lets make a awesome deal.

Sadly CryTek turned me off of using CryEngine with their security breach and then releasing a update that crashes on loading.
So I'm going to do this in Unity. Just means alot more scripting to do because CE3 had a flowgraph system that did half of the required scripting I first had planned.

Anyways at least with Unity I can not only import meshes from blender very easily by just saving and/or copy and pasting over my .blend files into my Unity asset folder and if I pay $95 USD a month I can get pro and Team license that will allow others to work on the game with me and dont have to worry about giving any royalties to the engine developers (CE3 requires me to contact CryTek and with my luck they probably want a butt load of money I don't have to get a indie license). Also unlike CE3 Unity builds the client files right in the editor so theres no need for me to compile using Visual Basics. Best part is that I can also make the game the way i want to and build a windows, linux and mac client as well as for XBox without any special modification to the scripts and maps. Also Unity supports C# and java scripting so i can make scripts in both language unlike CE3 where its just pure C++ which confuses the F out of me. Also Minecraft is writen in Java and OpenSim is done in C# so it be easy for me to use their code as examples for some stuff.

So theres my idea and reason why I am switching back to Unity for good this time despite the bugs i run into with the indie (free) editor.

Any input into this welcomed.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Why I think weed should be legal

With same sex marriage now legal is most countries the topic now seem to have moved back to legalizing weed.
Why I think weed should be legal is very simple. It's the best natural medicine ever found.
Not only does it help chemotherapy patients able to hold their food and eat like they did before the treatments but those with glucose are able to see better.
But weed is legal for those people but not those like me with ADHD.

I suffer from ADHD but was not diagnosed until I was 18 so trying to focus in school was a nightmare. When I was 15 I started to smoke weed and WOW did my studies ever change while I was high.
By the time I was 17 I was placed in a special school for those with mental and physical disabilities. While I was there I had a hard time studying while I was sober but every lunch hour I would go with some school mates and do a joint, come back and was able to do my school work very well. Teachers did knew I was stoned but did not say a thing because they saw that i do better stoned.

Now lets fast forward 12 years. I'm 29 now and over the past 12 years have taken Methylphenidate fast acting that caused me slur speech and heart palpitations. And today i took a slow acting one called Concerta and OMFG about an hour ago it felt like my head was about to explode. Took 2 strong Ibuprofen and I'm feeling better, still abit dizzy and a slight headache but I can function again. But after what I just went through I have decided just to do weed when I need to focus on a task like doing website coding.

So how is that about weed? Well clearly that weed is the best medication for those with ADHD because it doesn't give people a morning after hang over like booze, doesn't have harmful side effects like some of the stuff I have taken, it helps calm the brain and body so the person and focus alot better.

"But weed can lead into harder drugs!"
No only stupid people lead themselves into harder drugs. I been smoking weed occasionally since 15 and that is the only illegal drug I have done and only one I would take. My best friend Chad has been smoking it like a fiend for about the same amount of time and thats the only drug he does, nothing else. So don't give me that bs that weed leads into harder drugs because it doesn't.
To those saying that it does I triple doggy dare them to smoke weed at least once and tell me if you then get the urge to do harder drugs. The only side effects to weed is that you get hungry :D so make sure you got alot of snacks with you. Also another rare one is paranoia but I have found that you don't become paranoid while high if you light smoke weed meaning just take a few hits of a joint or do a small chunk in a pipe or bowl. I personally love to light smoke weed in a bowl. Still gives me a slight stoned feeling but helps me focus as if I do a prescribed ADHD medication.

So thats why I think weed should be legal. If not for everyone at least medical weed for ADHD sufferers.

As for me with Concerta, aint taking it EVER. In fact I'm telling my therapist to take his mind altering drugs and shove it up his ass because this is the second time he gave me sound that nearly killed me. First time was clonazepam which caused uncontrollable suicidal thoughts. Well I wont exactly tell him that but I will inform him and my family doctor that weed is the ONLY drug I will take from now on for mental stuff like ADHD and anxiety.

Thanks for reading this long ass blog. Time for me to go find a dealer xD Later.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The start of Blogger blogging

Well this is a first for me. I usually just "blog" on facebook and g+ but decided now to make a blog. Was going to go with wordpress but then i remember that google has blogger now so came here instead.

This is where i guess i will rage and rant about online stuff like games, code, shitty developers, etc. So if you don't want to hear my bleeps please go somewhere else because i don't really care if no one sees these.

Now with that said there is one thing that pissed me off today. While i was updating my website to Bootstrap 3.0 i noticed how UNdocumented the new bootstrap 3.0 documentation is. I like to add in multiple comment systems into the news feed, server listings, pics and more but im having a problem with the nav-tabs. More importantly i don't want wtf is the change for tab-panel and the docs don't show at all what the change it. I tweeted to  but still no reply back. Here is the tweet i sent them.

" Hi your documentation is not very well documented. Having a problem with changing my nav-tabs from 2.3 to 3.0."

The code im having a problem with is this...

<ul class='nav nav-tabs nav-justified'>
  <li class='active'><a href='#disqus'>Disqus</a></li>
  <li><a href='#vloc'>VLO</a></li>
  <li><a href='#'></a></li>
  <li><a href='#'></a></li>
<div class='nav nav-tabs-content'>
  <div class='tab-pane active' id='disqus'>$disqus</div>
  <div class='tab-pane' id='vloc'>VLO own commenting system coming soon</div>
  <div class='tab-pane' id=''></div>
  <div class='tab-pane' id=''></div>

As you can see the first part is ready for 3.0 but the nav-tabs-content is still 2.3 and there is NO documentation for 3.0 of how to change that.

Figured out my problem. I don't have the jquery set correctly. However Bootstrap's documentation does suck, not very well documented or noob friendly like most docs.

So thats the website rant. Once i get that fixed then its all downhill for new and updated features for gamers, socialists and trollers.

Well anyways this is my first blogger post so ill post more soon. Time to get back to being a shitty website front end developer.