Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How far we have come

I been looking around lately and been thinking and amazed of how far we as humans have gone in the way of technology.

It was only roughly 14 years ago when Windows XP first hit store selves and people are rushing to get a copy just to get away from that boring grey toolbar. 14 years later we can colorize our toolbar and we have touch screen.

It was only roughly 16 years ago when Google was born which spent all their time, money and effort on improving the internet for everyone. Now Google can be accessed on any device that has a internet connection.

It was only roughly 31 years ago when the first .com domain was registered. Now there's billions of domains registered all around the world.

But that was just the internet. It feels like only afew years ago when cell phones were just black pixels on a pukie green screen. Now cell phones are more then just to make a call. They are full HD colour, can play games, access the internet, send text, pictures and video to friends and social media sites. I once saw a video on YouTube that was made in the 1960's, or 50's, predicting the future and the narrator said something about the average american will have his or her music player, camcorder, phone and tv all in 1 device with a spot for their money, and i grabbed my android smartphone and said "yea its called a smart phone".

I look back at how we humans were before Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Gene Roddenberry and am just amazed of how those two people really change the world. Back then people didn't have proper long distance communication, they were only able to talk with their neighbors. When they needed to send a message or invoice to someone on the other side of the country, they sent it by postal "snail" mail. Kids played outside with others.

Now we can chat and interact with people all around the world while at our computer devices while laying in bed or at the office. Programmers no longer need to be at a office to do work, they can work with their team from home. Kids play video games with other kids online.

When I was a kid (oh boy showing my age now) computers and the internet wasn't as popular as it is today so most people didn't know about it. I did because my dad had a windows 95 computer for his work and i remember playing afew simple games on it. When i got my first computer at home (parents were divorced) I was 16 and cable internet was just slowly coming out but wasn't yet available in the area where i lived with my mom so we were still on dial up, also the computer was really old, could only handle dial up.
Now there is cable internet, fiber optics and LTE for mobile devices like smart phones, smart watches and tablets.

Now I wonder what our technology would be like in another 10 to 20 years. Will we be even more closer to Star Trek than we are now? Will we be able to use our advancement in computer science to finally travel outside our solar system and meet other species? Only the future will know.

So with all that said I like to now say thank you to afew people. First off to you for reading this.
Steve Jobs for inventing the micro computer now known as Personal Computer, the spark of mobile computing starting with the iPod and iPad.
Bill Gates for inventing the best operating system which helped greatly on our revolution in computers.
Gene Roddenberry for imagining of what our future could look like through Star Trek which sparked those ideas in Bill and Steve. for history information of the internet.

Heres to another 10 to 20 years of new inventions and improvements in computer science.
Bye for now.